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I often hear new tracks that use some of the same samples that my favorite tracks of years past did. When those planets align, I’ll post the findings. I’ll probably also share random dopeness that I cross paths with in the travels.

The new ish…

The old jam…

Something recent(ish)

The classic!


Just found this live megamix peformance of Yasiin Bey fka Mos Def goodness:



Brotha O put together a great post on J Dilla’s legacy and significance to the world of music. Peep it:

Tru Skool Tuesday: Dilla Day.

And check out this nice tribute mix:

Watching the Samurai Champloo DVD set the other day reminded me of how much I loved the show and the soundtrack. This short piece is dedicated to some of the ill producers like Nujabes (RIP) and Fat Jon that continually inspire with their lush sounds. Read the rest of this entry »

After a good night of grabbing some musica excelente I’m wrapping up with some fiyah by a Chi-town emcee named Just Jay:

My fave producer of late Tall Black Guy produces the above track and it’s something that’ll be in heavy rotation for the duration. If you like what you hear grab the brother’s free album, Living on Borrowed Beats.

…keep up the peace.

:Mi Musica:

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